Prismatic Park Series, Lea Bertucci

Blank Forms' Adrian Rew is joined by sound artist, composer, and woodwind player/extended technician Lea Bertucci. The two discuss a survey of Bertucci's recent work in anticipation of her weeklong public residency as part of Madison Square Park's Prismatic Park series.
They share music from last year's Axis/Atlas cassette, a piece composed for amplified trombone and tape, recent unreleased recordings, and an excerpt from ORACLE, a new large-scale work for 20-voice Trinity Youth Chorus in surround-sound.
Bertucci's residency runs from June 13 to June 17th, ending with a culminating with a performance of ORACLE on the 17th at 6PM.

Blank Forms
Blank Forms is a curatorial platform dedicated to the presentation and preservation of time-based performance practices, with emphasis on ephemeral practices that fall outside conventional institutional support systems and consequently risk remaining inaccessible, minimally documented and obscure. Through a variety of curatorial approaches, including public performances, online and print publishing, exhibitions, workshops, seminars and residencies, Blank Forms crafts a robust support structure for both the artist and the presentation of their work.