Blank Forms

Blank Forms is a curatorial platform dedicated to the presentation and preservation of time-based performance practices, with emphasis on ephemeral practices that fall outside conventional institutional support systems and consequently risk remaining inaccessible, minimally documented and obscure. Through a variety of curatorial approaches, including public performances, online and print publishing, exhibitions, workshops, seminars and residencies, Blank Forms crafts a robust support structure for both the artist and the presentation of their work.
Ánde Somby
Prismatic Park Series, Lea Bertucci
Prismatic Park: Matana Roberts
Subterranean Networks
Norbert Rodenkirchen, Robbie Lee, and James Ilgenfritz
Jean Luc Guionnet
Maryanne Amacher's Petra
Henning Christiansen Trilogy, Pt.3
The Henning Christiansen Trilogy, Pt.2
The Henning Christiansen Trilogy, Pt.1
Li Daiguo, Che Chen and David Watson
L'Expérience Acoustique with François J. Bonnet
Erewhon Calling
Yarn / Wire
Calling on the New Gods
The Great San Bernardino Birthday Party
Yarn/Wire & Pete Swanson, Eliminated Artist