Maria Chavez

A continuation of well-known turntable experimentalist, Maria Chavez's interest lie in removing the turntable from her practice. This performance incorporates two short pieces; the first represents the diminishment of the turntable as a tool, as Chavez uses a portable turntable and a single record; the second piece shifts the focus away from the tool and solo performance setting. The piece then becomes a collaboration with Daniel Neumann in an ongoing study on sound placement and individual perspective within a space. Recorded by EIF on December 16, 2011 and produced for broadcast in partnership with

Experimental Intermedia Concerts
A radio series of programs recorded at Experimental Intermedia Foundation (EI), the legendary, influential downtown New York loft venue, incubator, showcase, and community center for composers and experimenters in the arts, known for being first and best at presenting (and recording!) new music and new media since the 70s. The concert series is programmed and produced by composer Phill Niblock who has been directing presentations at Experimental Intermedia since 1973 (well over 1,000 performances) and he is the curator of EI's XI Records label. In 1993, he opened a satellite space with window gallery in Ghent, Belgium. For more on the concert series, recordings, archives, and other intermedia adventures of Phill Niblock around the globe visit the Experimental Intermedia Foundation site. This radio project is a partnership between Experimental Intermedia Foundation and The Clocktower Gallery and its radio station at The series is produced and managed with the generous efforts of Byron Westbrook.