Annihaya, After The End

Recognition becomes an end instead of a means - T.W. Adorno, "On Popular Music"
Annihaya destroys this recognition.
"After the End" takes an in-depth look into the sounds and passions of the independent Beirut-based music label Annihaya (which translates as 'the end'); who since 2009 has been specializing in "the displacement, deconstruction and 'recycling' of popular or folkloric musical cultures." We chat with Sharif Sehnaoui and Hatem Imam about the trials and tribulations of operating a small experimental label in the Middle East, featuring select tracks from their catalog interspersed
throughout the interview.
1. "Naima" by Raed Yassin from New Album (2009),
2. "In Sky" by DJ Sniff from The Playback (2010),
3. "Space Prophet Dogon" by Sun City Girls from Gum Arabic (2010),
4. "Rocket" by Praed from Made in Japan (2011),
5. "Cum Duster (Tempting Gods)" by Shalabi Effect from Feign to
Delight Gaiety of Gods (2012),
6. "Ya Shater" by Rabih Beaini from Albidaya (2013)

Indigenous Worlds
From homegrown grassroots movements, tradition, and musical experimentation comes a wide and international array of musicians who put their own spin on national and indigenous music. Sometimes rupturing the traditions of the past and sometimes affirming them, the songs of these shows spring from the porches of the world.
Electric Kahraba
Searching for unique sounds of independent Middle Eastern Music, J. Namy aka Electric Kahraba, brings together contemporary and traditional music from the region.