REVEIL: Daybreak Transmissions
REVEIL is an annual project organized by the London based collective SoundCamp to broadcast live for 24 hours the sounds of daybreak across the world, starting near the Greenwich Meridian, traveling west with the rising sun. The 2015 streamcast is scheduled for May 2. The sounds will be provided through a global collaboration of live audio streams that will be relayed from different parts of the world, in honor of the International Dawn Chorus Day.
Clocktower Radio will be participating in this broadcast on 2 May 2015, carrying the global stream exchange from midnight until noon New York time. For the complete 24 hour stream listeners can also access the program via the REVEIL network hosted by Wave Farm ( starting Saturday 2 May at 5am (London, Local Time) and it will run until 6am on Sunday 3 of May (again local time). To find local sources for the broadcast search the site for partners worldwide.
The project intends to capture and transmit the sounds of the wide array of natural and human activities that take place at the moment of dawn, with an aim to encourage new listening practices by creating soundscapes which pay attention to non-organized and non-human sounds and attempt to convey a sense of the flow of time by looping the dawn across the world.
Clocktower has a 40-minute sampler of the 2014 edition available on-demand in our audio archive.
The SoundCamp core group is Maria Papadomanolaki, Dawn Scarfe, Grant Smith and producer Kirsty Collander-Brown.