REVEIL: A 24 Hour Daybreak Broadcast

REVEIL is an annual project organized by the London based collective SoundCamp to broadcast live for 24 hours the sounds of daybreak across the world, starting near the Greenwich Meridian, traveling west with the rising sun. The 2015 streamcast is scheduled for May 2. The sounds will be provided through a global collaboration of live audio streams that will be relayed from different parts of the world, in honour of the International Dawn Chorus Day.
The project intends to capture and transmit the sounds of the wide array of natural and human activities that take place at the moment of dawn, with an aim to encourage new listening practices by creating soundscapes which pay attention to non-organized and non-human sounds and attempt to convey a sense of the flow of time by looping the dawn across the world.
The SoundCamp core group is Maria Papadomanolaki, Dawn Scarfe, Grant Smith and producer Kirsty Collander-Brown. Smith expands on the philosophical themes of the project in this interview with The Field Reporter.
Clocktower Radio will be participating in this broadcast on 2 May 2015. Watch this Web site and the Clocktower newsletter for details.
2014 Archive
These are archived recordings of live streaming sounds assembled for the REVEIL 24 hour broadcast over 3-4 May 2014.
There are 2 exceptions: the PALAOA and Jupiter Research Foundation feeds, which were unavailable at the time. The humpback whales from Hawaii in the latter will be part of Reveil 2015 on 2 May 2015. The PALAOA stream was sadly halted in December 2014, after being part of the live audio landscape for many years. It is included in memoriam.
Camberwell, South London, UK
Grant Smith (
The microphone hangs in an apple tree in an inner city back yard. Sounds of neighbors, schoolyard, traffic, birds, planes. It is also available as a permanent stream on the Locus Sonus network.
Ekström Ice Shelf, Atka Bay, NE Weddell Sea
PALAOA at the Alfred Wegener Institute
Archive feed from 3 Dec 2013 from under the Antarctic Ice. Shrimps, seals, cetaceans, moving ice, artifacts of remote satellite transmission.
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Aaron Rosenblum, ARTxFM
Intermittent trains and industrial sounds.
Puako, Hawaii
Jupiter Research Foundation
Archive transmission from 21 Feb 2014 of humpback whales in their Hawaii breeding ground. They sing elaborate 4 part songs with each part looping repeatedly in a sequence evolved collectively through the season.
Southern Pacific Coastal Mountains, Costa Rica
Joel Goodwin, Live Nature Songs
Rural location with many birds, insects, roosters, dogs.
North Coast of Australia
Air traffic radio intercepts.
St Petersburg, Russia
Webcam audio feeds at the churches of St Peter and Paul. Sounds of bells, mechanical sounds, self-noise.
Bielefeld, Germany
Wolfgang Büscher
Very Low Frequency (VLF) radio, generated by lightning, earthquakes and other events affecting the magnetosphere.
Molat Island, Croatia
Brane Zorman, CONA Institute for Contemporary Arts Processing
St Baume, France
Grégoire Lauvin (Locus Sonus)
A goat shed in the Pre Alps East of Aix en Provence. Sounds of milking.
A forest somewhere in England
Dawn Scarfe (Bivvy Broadcasts)
Dawn chorus in mixed deciduous woodland.
The full archive is available on SoundCamp

Impossible Music
Music and mixes that aspire to challenge you, surprise you, tickle you, jostle you, and to crack you open and put you back together again.
New Media Adventures
Computers, video, film, optics, sound, metaphysics, transmission, magic, wireless, inputless, timeless, interactive, blood and tears all cross pollinating and testing the multiverse.