Wayne Koestenbaum, My 1980s & Other Essays

In this thirty nine minute sampler, author Wayne Koestenbaum's reads from his new book, My 1980s & Other Essays. Written in his signature tone, these witty and unfailingly passionate essays cover subjects such as literature, film, music, life, and the eighties. Wayne illustrates portraits of the beloved and complicated, in addition to the self. The reading took place on August 15th 2013, in his favorite bookstore of the past decade, 192 Books.
After his readings, Wright answers several questions from the audience. They inquire specifics about his texts, lasting or burning as an author, and his tendency to operate within a landscape of genres. To hear the entire radio show, check out Channel 192

Channel 192
Channel 192 is curated by Jack Macrae, editor of the Henry Holt imprint Jack Macrae Books, who says that most bookstores, especially the leviathan Borders and Barnes and Noble, are not interested in books. So he and his wife, gallerist Paula Cooper, opened their own, 192 Books on 10th Avenue in Manhattan. Like bookstores of old, 192 houses a collection that is a very personal reflection of its owners. Programs appearing below were recorded during public readings at 192 Books or Paula Cooper Gallery.