Tom Healy

The debate rages on! Should poetry be read aloud, as past guests Grace Schulman
and Bob Holman think, or quietly and meditatively to oneself, as Carol
Muske-Dukes might propose? Tom Healy doesn't really come down on
either side. But, listening to him read his poetry, one has trouble imagining that its oral
vibrancy isn't intended for listening ears. On the other hand, he avows that he writes poetry without the intent of reading it aloud. And so continues this tireless battle. Will and Tom discuss Tom's involvement in the visual arts--he
started one of the first three galleries in Chelsea--and the idea of
artistic collaboration: a John Ashbery collage is featured on the
cover of his new book of poetry. After the recording session wrapped, Will and Tom had an insightful conversation on microloans in the developing world with DJ
Jeannie Hopper. Will promises to have Tom back with past guests Nir Rosen and
Hugo Berkeley for an Africa round-table--We'll keep you posted (35 minutes).

The Interview Show
Interviews with artists, singers, producers, and curators. Including David Hockney, Sarah Lucas, Marilyn Minter and many more, hosted by artist Will Corwin.