Thomas C. Chung, Little by Little

Artist Thomas C. Chung in conversation about Little by Little, his pan patat cooking, and bird's nest-making, sculpture and performance projects at the 2015 Ghetto Biennale, for which he collaborated with locals of the Grand Rue community. Utilizing the Haitian language of KreyĆ²l as a point of departure, Little by Litte is inspired by the proverbs Piti, piti, wazo fe nich li and Nan tan grangou patat peg en po. In English this translates to Little by little the bird builds its nest and In times of famine, sweet potatoes have no skin.

Ghetto Biennale: Radyo Shak
Radyo Shak was the independent broadcast voice of the Ghetto Biennale of Haiti, hosting freeform radio including Rara bands, locals, artists and writers, and Haitian revolutionary history.