The Opperman Chronicles, Pt. 2 (Your Truth is Showing)

Host Edwin Torres relaxes with a yin-yang sandwich as Paul Opperman becomes guest DJ once again, sharing his tangential kinesthesis. Listen as Frank O'Hara voices out the day ladydied and
Future Pilot AKA salutes our soul with Philip Glass, meanwhile in an inspired feat of veridads, Tsok Choe clasps throats in a nunnery prayer room, not once but twice, allowing Negativland to expound on truth in advertising paving the way for The Barton Brothers to sell us Orchard Street circa 1947 on Yiddish Radio, just in time, miraculously, for Edwin and Sharon to sell the unimpressed few who remain some brand new newness on What Is This Shit? Cut! Speech!

Live Nude Radio Theatre
Live Nude Radio Theatre is a free form radio show with poet host Edwin Torres.
Torres is author of "The All-Union Day Of The Shock Worker" (Roof Books), "Fractured Humorous" (Subpress), "Please" (Faux Press) and "Onomalingua" (Rattapallax Press). He is also included in The Best American Poetry 2004 (Scribner) , and is co-editor of the poetry journal Rattapallax. His current CD, NOVO, is available through