The Only Good System Is A Sound System

"The Only Good System Is A Sound System" is a sound project that resonates the architecture of the legendary Berlin club Berghain, playing the material structure of the building as a musical instrument. Tuning resonant frequencies to excite the architectural surfaces of the club, the Soundwalk Collective arranges and processes a live feedback loop produced by pulses and tones played through the sound system and into the walls of the building. Captured with contact microphones in real-time, the rhythmic and resonant properties of metal and glass create a call-and-response with the building.

Soundwalk Collective
The Soundwalk Collective is an international art collective based in Berlin & New York City. Since 2000 they have been sonic nomads, embarking on never ending journeys from the desolate land of Bessarabia to the desert of Rub al Khali. By exploring and documenting the world around us through its sounds, the Collective abstracts and re-composes narrative sound pieces through fragments of reality to form distinct audible journeys.
About the Anniversary Series
Soundwalk Collective has won international recognition for their work of abstracting and re-composing narrative sound pieces through fragments of reality, and by forging evocative journeys in sound that are exhibited in the form of sound installation and performance. This Anniversary Series will showcase selected works that have both defined and defied the soundscape genre in an 8-part radio retrospective dedicated to the Collective's diverse body of work. Produced in collaboration with Resonance FM 104.4 FM, London [UK] and made available here in partnership with