The Music of Sodom Laurel, Madison County, North Carolina

The ridges of Madison County in western North Carolina are home to an extended family that sings the old British ballads, as well as lyric songs and religious material, in an utterly unique and beautiful style. The Chandler, Wallin, and Norton clan has been the subject of several records, two films - John Cohen's End of an Old Song and Martha King and Rob Roberts' Madison County Project: The Film - and two photo essays, one by Harvey Wang and another by Rob Amberg, which was published by the University of North Carolina Press as the Sodom Laurel Album, with an accompanying CD.
01 Dillard Chandler: A Soldier Travelling from the North
Dark Holler: Old Love Songs and Ballads (Smithsonian Folkways)
02 Dellie Norton: Early, Early in the Spring
High Atmosphere (Rounder)
03 Berzilla Wallin: If I Had the Wings of an Angel
Sodom Laurel Album: Appalachian Ballads from Madison County, North Carolina (UNC Press)
04 Lee Wallin: Neighbor Girl
Dark Holler: Old Love Songs and Ballads (Smithsonian Folkways)
05 Doug and Jack Wallin: Darling Cora
Family Songs and Stories from the North Carolina Mountains (Smithsonian Folkways)
06 Cas Wallin: Pretty Saro
Alan Lomax 1983 film footage (unissued)
07 Sheila Kay Adams: Little Margaret
Alan Lomax 1983 film footage (unissued)
08 Lloyd Chandler: Remember and Do Pray for Me
High Atmosphere (Rounder)
09 Dellie Norton: Little Mohee
Sodom Laurel Album: Appalachian Ballads from Madison County, North Carolina (UNC Press)
10 Dillard Chandler: I Wish My Baby Was Born
Dark Holler: Old Love Songs and Ballads (Smithsonian Folkways)
High Atmosphere (Rounder)
11 Cas Wallin: Camp a Little While In the Wildnerness
Appalachia: The Old-Traditions, Vol. 2 (Homemade Music)
12 Dillard Chandler: Short Time Here, Long Time Gone
Dark Holler: Old Love Songs and Ballads (Smithsonian Folkways)
(32 minutes)

Goodbye Dear Old Stepstone
Traditional, folk, vernacular, endangered, and extinct music from America and elsewhere. Hosted by Nathan Salsburg, an archivist, producer, and writer based in Louisville, Kentucky.
He has worked for the The Alan Lomax Archive since 2000, for which he currently serves in the capacities of production manager, photo and video archivist, and general digital catalog editor. Salsburg maintains an index of online vernacular music resources at his blog,, contributes occasional music writing to the Louisville Eccentric Observer and the Other Music weekly update, and is curator of Twos & Fews, a vernacular music imprint in collaboration with Chicago's Drag City label.
more He has worked for the The Alan Lomax Archive since 2000, for which he currently serves in the capacities of production manager, photo and video archivist, and general digital catalog editor. Salsburg maintains an index of online vernacular music resources at his blog,, contributes occasional music writing to the Louisville Eccentric Observer and the Other Music weekly update, and is curator of Twos & Fews, a vernacular music imprint in collaboration with Chicago's Drag City label.