Tan Lin Reading

Tan Lin gives an ambient reading of his recent work Controlled Vocabularies: sit back, relax, breathe deeply. Lin is the author of Lotion Bullwhip Giraffe, published by Sun & Moon in 1996 and BlipSoak, published last year by Atelos Press. Lin's installations and performances have been presented in galleries and poetry spaces in New York and around the country. He teaches English at New Jersey City State University. Lin lives in Manhattan, in the shadow of Pennsylvania Station.

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Conversations and readings with poets and artists, produced in cooperation with PennSound and hosted by Charles Bernstein, the American poet, theorist, editor, and literary scholar. Bernstein was born in New York City in 1950. He is a foundational member and leading practitioner of Language poetry. Bernstein was educated at the Bronx High School of Science and at Harvard University, where he studied philosophy with Stanley Cavell and wrote his final thesis on Gertrude Stein and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
In the mid-1970s Bernstein became active in the experimental poetry scenes in New York and San Francisco, not only as a poet, but also as an editor, publisher, and theorist. With visual artist and wife Susan Bee, Bernstein published several now well-known poets whose work is associated with Language writing.
more In the mid-1970s Bernstein became active in the experimental poetry scenes in New York and San Francisco, not only as a poet, but also as an editor, publisher, and theorist. With visual artist and wife Susan Bee, Bernstein published several now well-known poets whose work is associated with Language writing.