Steve Piccolo and Gak Sato: Airprints

"The interesting thing about environmental sound works is that although the procedure is often very similar (and hasn't really changed since the days of Ruttmann, Henry, Schaeffer et al) the results nearly always contain something very personal, idiosyncratic, even geo-specific or local." -Felice Villa, Suoni in liberte.
This program by Milan-based artists and musicians Steve Piccolo and Gak Sato includes a soundtrack made for the video Big Dirty Love by A Constructed World (from Melbourne) plus soundwalks and audio collages making use of extensive editing and supplementary sounds. Recorded and produced by the duo.

Open Territory
Musical innovators share their work in a combination of an interview. Including Max Neuhaus, Miles Davis, Christian Marclay, and more.
A series of programs produced by the composer Elliott Sharp from his own collection of works that have influenced, energized, or otherwise occupied his earspace and imagination; from African chanting to Japanese noise to avant-garde concert music. Many of the segments were assembled for the former radio station of P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center (now MoMA/PS1) between 2004 and 2006.