Saint Hollywood, Willard Morgan & Jenny Lee Mitchell

Willard Morgan, notable New York and Los Angeles performer and filmmaker, and Jenny Lee Mitchell, multi-dimensional director, musician, actor and acrobat, talk with Pete McCabe about their upcoming show, Saint Hollywood. Willard is the artistic director and also the producer/creator/performer for this large performance piece about self-proclaimed "celebrities" of Hollywood who are more like the sidewalk panhandlers. The show starts previews on April 14, 2011) at the Ideal Glass Gallery. Mr. Morgan, who had worked in New York for many years, moved to LA, where he found people to be much different than expected. He's turned this into a show, with original music about a host of odd ball characters, that inspire in him a humanity and a pathos. Ms. Mitchell discusses directing this project in the enviable Ideal Glass Gallery, and the mechanics of putting on a show with music, dancers, video artists and actors.

Clocktower Radio Profiles
The hosts of Clocktower Radio interview artists, writers, curators, producers, activists, thinkers and doers.