Pesto Manifesto

About this first segment of a new series for 2012 the hosts submitted the following:
Sam Hillmer, at a recent performance at The Clocktower Gallery, described how the manifesto was ‘out of style,’ and hand been replaced by the meme. He is right. The loud and extremist statements of this century’s famous manifestos have turned the practice into something society has become weary of. However, the songs of Pesto Manifesto demonstrate that the practice lives on in the lyrics of contemporary music, given a voice through the lyrics of today’s front men.
Pesto Manifesto is the first segment of our Jam Sandwich series. Ingredients include, but are not limited to, basel, parmesan cheese, and songs that double as manifestos. Inspired by the current political climate of American youth, most of the songs on this mix are direct declarations of personal ideals. The others, though more ambiguous in their message, maintain the inspiring themes and tones that support the rationale of this mix. So, listen up. Get inspired. Make a mix. Write manifesto. Start a revolution.

Joe & Ginny's Jam Sandwich
Jam Sandwich is how it sounds: A ridiculously awesome super sandwich of some favorite jams. You could say Joe is one piece of bread and that Ginny is the other piece, working in concert to hold together some of the freshest ingredients the radio has ever tasted. Simply put, Jam Sandwich is a collaborative effort to share with the world the constant flow of songs and bands that characterize the lives of the two host/producers.
Recorded directly to cassette tape, Jam Sandwich upholds the values and aesthetics of the traditional mix tape. The hosts hope that the content of the songs outweighs the quality of the recording and that the DIY production out-values occasionally awkwardly improvised song introductions. About the series, Ginny writes, "We hope that these songs impact you like they have impacted us. We hope that after listening to our Jam Sandwich that you become inspired to make a mix tape of your own."