Musical Alchemy

Journey on the musical vibes gathered in Hopper’s sonic alchemy, fusing afrobeat (by way of Poland) and psych rock (by way of Turkey.) Fresh tunes on the soulful house tip, with just the right fusion of live elements, including Tortured Soul's 2015 album Hot For Your Love Tonight, Bluey of Incognito from his 2nd solo album, Jagga Jazzist on a Todd Terje remix with Giorgio Moroder, and the west coast stylings of Body Language and Hardkiss Brothers. The final musical ingredients come by way of Thomas Blondet out of D.C., a selection from Pimps of Joytime’s 2015 album, and a couple classics from the Hopper vinyl vaults, including I Love the Future featuring the words of Assata Shakur produced by Michael Frenti and Outside’s The Blackman and the Jew.

In the Hopper
In her DJ sets and on WBAI's Liquid Sound Lounge, DJ Jeannie Hopper gives independent artists, record labels and producers a chance to be heard.