New Yorkers have a love/hate relationship with their subway system, and a good portion of that hate is directed towards the MTA. Enduring continual fare increases, lousy service, and crowded trains make it is easy to conclude that the "World's Greatest City" does not have a transit system to match. With billions in city, state, and federal funding at stake, the MTA's plight is a complicated one. Hosts Derek Evers and Chris Robbins try to diagnose the MTA's problems and prescribe some solutions. The duo is joined by Streetsblog Editor-In-Chief Ben Fried, and musician and NYC-lifer Jeffrey Lewis, whose newest record, Manhattan, released October 30 2015 on Rough Trade, makes the New York Subway a recurring topic in many of his songs. Get a taste for Lewis's album with the little ditty about the L train, found in this episode of Nothing Urgent.

Nothing Urgent
In a world where people are bombarded with celebrity nip slips and anthropogenic glacial melt with equal ferocity, Nothing Urgent tames the zeitgeist for you the only way hosts Derek Evers and Chris Robbins know how: probing interviews, pleasant conversation, and the occasional poop joke. Derek and Chris saunter from the Content Mines to Clocktower's studio with only the choicest, most enriching tales from their respective perches in music and news; you might even learn something.
Derek Evers is the founder and publisher of Impose Magazine and a regular drinker of ginger ale. He once enjoyed a short stint as a talking head on VH1's Most Shocking Moments in Music. Chris Robbins is the features editor for the website Gothamist. He once asked the police commissioner about his favorite Applebee's menu item.