Money Lab

Edward Einhorn of Theater of Ideas and Jenny Lee Mitchell of the Renaldo The Ensemble visit the Clocktower studio to perform in the studio, play some tracks, explain, and demonstrate their interactive musical theatrical event called Money Lab.
Money Lab is an economic vaudeville, conceived and curated by Einhorn, as a multi-disciplinary experiment to discover whether economic ideas can be represented through performance. It uses a mixture of theater, dance, video, cabaret, opera, puppetry, clowning and games in order to explore everything from the gold standard, to the 2008 stock market collapse, to the theories of Adam Smith, Karl Mark, Arthur Laffer, and Elinor Ostrom, to the intersections of economics and art. Developed with the help of a crew of artists and economists, including Mitchell, the project appears in a month long run at HERE Arts Center (March 20-April 11, 2015).
This program includes assorted segments that are presented as part of Money Lab:
1) Das Gessellschaftslied (Here’s To The A List) (1931)
Music: Mischa Spoliansky, Lyrics: Marcellus Schiffer
English Lyrics by Jenny Lee Mitchell and Francis Heaney
Jenny Lee Mitchell, voice and Maria Dessena, keyboard
2) Medley: Svet Na Ruby (The World Inside Out) (1935)
Jaroslav Jezek; Jezkuv Hot-Jazz; Marco Baben
English lyrics by Martin Rocek, Edward Einhorn,
Jenny Lee Mitchell
Brother Can You Spare A Dime (1932)
Music: Jay Gorney Lyrics: by Yip Harburg,\
Jenny Lee Mitchell, voice and Maria Dessena, keyboard
3) Letters to Engels (using Marx's letters to Engels as text) with Jonathan Kline, vocalist and Maria Dessena, keyboard; music by Avner Finberg, libretto by Einhorn.
4) A monologue called The Money Atheist featuring Moira Stone, voice, written by Einhorn.
5) Journey to Yap, Ian W. Hill, voice and Chris Chappell, sound, written by Einhorn.
6) Love Is A Stranger
By Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart
Jenny Lee Mitchell, voice and Maria Dessena, accordion

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