Moldover, Father of Controllerism

DJ Shakey and The Warper Party Radio Extravaganza hosted a live event as part of her residency on March 23, 2011 at the Clocktower Gallery with a special appearance by mad inventor and musical supervillain, Moldover.
From his promo package: If technology and music are your life, brace yourself- Moldover is about to reformat your soul. Hailed by 700,000 YouTube viewers as "The Godfather of Controllerism", Moldover is a new breed of music icon. Combining the charisma of a rock star, the mad genius of a basement inventor, and the radical inclusiveness of the DIY internet generation, Moldover is "literally throwing away the rule book and reinventing the wheel" (Remix Magazine). Witness his balls-to-the-wall live show at a club, experience his multiplayer music installations at a festival, or pick up and play the "light theremin" packaging of his debut album and understand why the next paradigm for music is a one-man-brand called Moldover.
Warper Party Radio Extravaganza programs are made possible in part by the Jerome Foundation that seeks to foster a dynamic and evolving culture by supporting the creation, development, and production of new works by emerging artists.

Warper Party Radio Extravaganza
The Warper party, New York City's largest electronic music showcase, brings its posse of "Omnidigital DJs and Biomorphic Musicians" to the rest of the globe.