Michel Chevalier

While on residency in Hamburg, Will strolls over to the St. Georg neighborhood of the town to check out Michel Chevalier's basement art shop, "Unlimited Liability," presented by Target: Autonopop. It's an art space set up in opposition to the traditional art world gallery system-typical art genres such as painting and sculpture have been banished in an effort to promote video, installation, and situational/political art works. If you're interested in buying, the work is very reasonable, and the artists see all of the profits, but every buyer needs to sign a waiver stating they have less than 50,000 Euros to their name. Chevalier schools Corwin on the ins-and-outs of the Hamburg scene. He talks about the gaengerviertel and the Rote Flora, competing real estate interests and sordid politics, and offers a grass-roots narrative of the squatter and punk art world in Europe's richest city!

The Interview Show
Interviews with artists, singers, producers, and curators. Including David Hockney, Sarah Lucas, Marilyn Minter and many more, hosted by artist Will Corwin.