Love and The Law

Is Love the law of nature or is it just human nature? All we know is that love rules. Today with our guest host Cathy Selin we explore the context and text of love. Cathy is the legal counsel for Steps to End Family Violence. She works preparing the cases for women who have defended themselves against their abusers -- to the full extent of their ability -- They have murdered them... Cathy started out with a BFA from University of MI, and ended up with a JD from Brooklyn Law, LL.M. in International Legal Studies from NYU School of Law. She is blissfully married to Patrick Traffas who works in the poverty field. Together they listen to love songs...
01 Louis Armstrong What A Wonderful World (Theile Weiss)
02 Mozart Piano concerto #21 second movement
03 Joan Baez Love is just a four letter word (Dylan) sung by
04 John Lennon Imagine
05 Maria Callas Il Bambino (Gianni Schicci)
06 John Lennon Mind Games
07 Eleanor McEvoy Sea Bird (Bill Whelan)
08 Bob Dylan - Make You Feel My Love
09 Andy Williams Moon River ( Mancini)
10 Dylan Sad eyed Lady of the Lowlands
Love and The Law

Is love the law of nature or is it just human nature? All we know is that love rules. Nora York hosts guest host Cathy Selin to explore the context and text of love. Together they listen to and discuss love songs.
Cathy Selins is the legal counsel for Steps to End Family Violence. She works preparing the cases for women who have defended themselves against their abusers to the point of murdering their perpetrators. Cathy started out with a BFA from University of MI, and ended up with a JD from Brooklyn Law, LL.M. in International Legal Studies from NYU School of Law. She is blissfully married to Patrick Traffas who works in the poverty field.

Arts and Community
Activists, artists, movers, and shakers discuss the overlaps of politics, art, and contemporary issues.