Lily Padula's SHOWPAPER

The ingredients of this sandwich are all jams handpicked by Joe and Ginny, from recipe of Showpaper 160. From DIY venues, kid's basements, and outdoor park concerts, tracks have been dug up from buzzy names like Parquet Courts, Sharon Van Etten, and Miho Hitori, to breaking new kids like HayBaby, Team Spirit, and Haribo. There are old friends like Rapstar, Hop Along, Krill, Weyes Blood, and track staples Cloud Becomes Your Hand, Garloscream, and James Illganfritz. Through Glenn Jones and Joel Oritz for the sake if adventure, and some stories about an ill-advised bagpipe performance.
In addition to music listings, Showpaper 160 features artist Lily Padula's piece “Over the Hill."
Lily Padula is a Brooklyn-based illustrator who hails from a beach town on eastern Long Island. Most days she can be found drawing with her tuxedo cat keeping her company. When she isn't drawing, you can find her wandering the city streets, trying out some experimental cooking, or reading comics in the park. Her work has been recognized by American Illustration, Communication Arts, The Society of Illustrators, and Creative Quarterly.
A written collection of all-ages underground shows in the tri-state area, SHOWPAPER is 100% community funded, bi-weekly issued and ad-free. Each issue features a full piece of art by a contemporary artist.

Joe & Ginny's Jam Sandwich
Jam Sandwich is how it sounds: A ridiculously awesome super sandwich of some favorite jams. You could say Joe is one piece of bread and that Ginny is the other piece, working in concert to hold together some of the freshest ingredients the radio has ever tasted. Simply put, Jam Sandwich is a collaborative effort to share with the world the constant flow of songs and bands that characterize the lives of the two host/producers.
Recorded directly to cassette tape, Jam Sandwich upholds the values and aesthetics of the traditional mix tape. The hosts hope that the content of the songs outweighs the quality of the recording and that the DIY production out-values occasionally awkwardly improvised song introductions. About the series, Ginny writes, "We hope that these songs impact you like they have impacted us. We hope that after listening to our Jam Sandwich that you become inspired to make a mix tape of your own."