Kevin Bacon, Loverboy

Once again Kevin Bacon directs his wife, Kyra Sedgwick; this time in Loverboy. Adapted from Victoria Redel's novel, Loverboy is about the legacy of childhood trauma. Sedgwick's Emily Stoll, neglected as a child, is determined to have a child of her own as a single mother. Only her fierce possessiveness prompts her six-year-old son to rebel. A tour de force from Sedgwick (a series sensation in TNT's The Closer as a sassy Southern police chief working in L.A.), Loverboy is every bit a Bacon family affair. The director plays Sedgwick's father in flashbacks (with Marisa Tomei as the besotted mother), their children, Sosie and Travis, are featured, and his brother Michael did the music. This marks Bacon's second time behind the camera as director. He made an acclaimed 1999 directing debut with the TV-movie Losing Chase, also with Sedgwick.

Beyond the Subtitles
Film critic and The Boston Herald entertainment writer Stephen Schaefer hosts candid conversations with actors, filmmakers, producers and movie people near and far.