Ken Loach, The Wind that Shakes the Barley

Called "the Dean of Independent Filmmakers," Ken Loach's 40-year career hits a critically acknowledged high point with The Wind That Shakes the Barley. For the social realist and politically committed filmmaker, this is his first film to be set in the past - the post WWI struggle for Irish independence -, the first to win the Palme D'Or at Cannes, and the first with an international star: Irish actor Cillian Murphy (from Batman Begins and Redeye, interviewed on Beyond the Subtitles #115). Loach laughs about taking heat from the right wing, why Kes stands as his modern classic and where that Barley title originates (19 minutes).

Beyond the Subtitles
Film critic and The Boston Herald entertainment writer Stephen Schaefer hosts candid conversations with actors, filmmakers, producers and movie people near and far.