Justin Cartwright, Other People's Money

Rare book dealer, writer, and broadcaster Rick Gekoski in conversation with author Justin Cartwright whose 2011 novel Other People’s Money (Bloomsbury) is a gripping and often hilarious story about a troubled bank and the odd and risky measures a family takes in order for the bank to remain solvent. The conversation widens it's orbit to include the state of society and culture in a money-driven world. Cartwright also reads from the book. Recorded September 21, 2011 at 192 Books in New York City.

Beyond the Subtitles
Film critic and The Boston Herald entertainment writer Stephen Schaefer hosts candid conversations with actors, filmmakers, producers and movie people near and far.
Channel 192
Channel 192 is curated by Jack Macrae, editor of the Henry Holt imprint Jack Macrae Books, who says that most bookstores, especially the leviathan Borders and Barnes and Noble, are not interested in books. So he and his wife, gallerist Paula Cooper, opened their own, 192 Books on 10th Avenue in Manhattan. Like bookstores of old, 192 houses a collection that is a very personal reflection of its owners. Programs appearing below were recorded during public readings at 192 Books or Paula Cooper Gallery.