Juris Jurjevics

Charles Ruas interviews Juris Jurjevics, a founding editor of the prestigious Soho Press, who has turned author to write the novel he would ideally like to read. The Trudeau Vector is a page turner combining geopolitics, environmental disaster and bio-terrorism in a political thriller set in an Arctic Research Station. It is a brilliant and terrifying debut in its medical and historical accuracy about the technology that will make our future world.

Conversations with Writers
Host Charles Ruas in conversation with contemporary writers and poets, continuing a stream of intelligent discussion dating back to his legendary days at WBAI Pacifica Radio in New York in the seventies. Ruas is the author of Conversations with American Writers, a Fulbright scholar, and a distinguished French translator. His writing has frequently appeared in both ARTNews and Art in America. His other Clocktower-produced program is Historic Audio From the Archives of Charles Ruas and is one of the most brilliant and extensive collections of historic audio in our archive.