Jill Miller and Anuradha Vikram

Artist Jill Miller shook up the San Francisco art world recently with her hit show at 2nd Floor Projects called "Collectors." This spicy expose detailed 5 of the top collectors in San Francisco over the past 6 months and even used some footage found here on the Frank Prattle site to flesh out her research. Anuradha Vikram is the dynamic programs director out at the Headlands Center for the Arts, listen to these two cover tons of ground, from surveillance to porn to cupcakes to fetish to Bob Shimshak, you name it, it’s in this interview. Conversation took place at San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery on February 23, 2008.

Frank Prattle with Zefrey Throwell
Frank Prattle is an interview-style radio show run by artist Zefrey Throwell. Throwell brings two people together (curators, gallerists, critics, collectors, artists, etc....) and they tackle everything under the sun. Frank Prattle is geared primarily towards community education. Its goal is to help people understand and enjoy the art world through the words of the art-stars, professionals, and enthusiasts who live it everyday.