Ho! Hoe! Heaux!

Just in time for the holidays, k(Rob) and Doe Derek, offer "a celebration of Thot-ery, Gardening and all things French" with their last episode of 2015: Ho! Hoe! Heaux! Originally broadcast live on Clocktower Radio from the Pioneer Works studio location, #trashDAY promises its usual shit talking - along with reflections on food deserts, the diabetes, french fries, champagne rooms, and the possible correlation between the popularity of spandex* and general ho-ism. Cocktails will be provided, via thirst bucket, as a backdrop to the first annual Ratch-Sack-Give-A-Way. A Hefty kit loaded with all things internet famous - follow us @radio_rossi for your chance to win!

Clocktower Mixtape
Personalities, experts, and DJs share mixes of their latest and rarest finds.