Fictional Naturalism: Biofacts, Artifacts, and Aesthetics
Imagery currently abounds in scientific journals and presentations.
What roles do images play in each domain? Has the concept of beauty been banished by art and resuscitated by science? Suzanne Anker and her guests discuss authenticity and information as embedded narratives in pictures.
Frank Gillette is a video pioneer whose multi-channel installations and tapes focus on empirical observations of natural phenomena.
Ingeborg Reichle is a Berlin-based art historian.
Tom Huhn is an art critic, writer, philosopher and Chairman of the Art History Department at the School of Visual Arts.
The Bio-Blurb Show
From "wetware" practices to "live" art, from reproductive technologies to cloning, from plastic surgery to brain chips, the "Bio-Blurb" show explores the futuristic aspects of the "sci-art" conjunction in the US, the UK, Germany and Australia. The show is host to artists, scientists, curators, critics and philosophers who explore the intersections of the visual arts and the genetic sciences in contemporary art.