Dike Blair

Daniella Salvioni catches up with sculptor, photographer, painter and multimedia gallery artist Dike Blair in Rome, Italy. Blair self-describes his work as a medium for his love/obsession with "luminosity"; daylight, sensation, ambience... When Blair designs his gallery exhibitions, he juxtaposes multiple mediums, often with realistic paintings on the wall and abstract sculptures in the floor space, or painted window panes and his trademark wooden carpets aligning the floor. Simliarities to filmmaker David Lynch and artist Gerhart Richter arise, choice of subjects based upon raw instinct, concrete elements to his abstractionism and unconciously autobiographical subtleties within his work. After working out of New York City for over ten years, Blair tells about the effects of relocating to Rome, surrounded by 15th-century paintings and ancient architecture.

Our Correspondents: Italy
Curator and art critic Daniela Salvioni reports from assorted locales across Italy to bring us interviews with contemporary art's most revered as well as emerging and overlooked artists.
The co-editor, with Diana Burgess Fuller, of Art/Women/California, 1950-2000, this American-born resident and fluent Italian speaker, has curated exhibits for such artists as Guy Overfelt and Jennifer Locke, and has interviewed such artists as Jeff Koons and Allan McCollum. Our thanks to Star FK Radium, from Washington, D.C., for the theme music.