
On her new AIR program, DJ Jeannie Hopper plays tunes sent to her by indie artists, record labels and producers so that her loyal followers won't have to drudge through the cyber-maze of overwhelming choices in search of good music. Enjoy the latest from artists Bei Bei and Shawn
Lee, Ancient Astronauts, Boy Eats Drum Machine, Clutchy Hopkins,
Mophono's Halftone Society, Hess Is More, Groove Armada, Javelin and
Si*Se. Thanks to Ubiquity, ESL, Bastard Jazz, Nublu, Om, Luaka Bop
and Si*Se for dropping the tunes into the Hopper for Hopper (50 minutes).

In the Hopper
In her DJ sets and on WBAI's Liquid Sound Lounge, DJ Jeannie Hopper gives independent artists, record labels and producers a chance to be heard.