DB23 DFA Spotlight (Part 2)

DB says that compiling these two shows from their incredible archive was not an simple task and could have easily been four 90 minute mixtapes with still much great stuff that would not fit, with tracks from Shit Robot, Jee Day 2 of 3 5:11, Yura Yura Teikoku, Gunnar Bjerk, YACHT, Altz, Discodeine, Prinzhorn Dance School, LCD Soundsystem, Peter Gordon, Freshro, Justine & The Victorian Punks, Woolfy, Benoit & Sergio, Free Blood, The Rapture and more.

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As a kid in London, DB used to fall asleep at night with a transistor radio hidden under his pillow. He has been addicted to hearing new music ever since. Here, he brings that music to you. 

This is not a music show that's restricted to a particular genre, or even a specific decade, although it has an emphasis on indie rock with electronic elements or electronic music that's not simply for the dance floor. It's a 90-minute mixtape-style show that is as musically open-minded as the musical landscape is wide. 
