
This show is driven by modern goth sounding groups that were, in turn, influenced by the 80s. With tracks from Radiohead, Adele (Jamie XX remix), The Soft Moon, Jai Paul, Elbow, The Kills, Sister Crayon, Acrylics, TV On The Radio, Malachai, LCD Soundsystem, and many others.




As a kid in London, DB used to fall asleep at night with a transistor radio hidden under his pillow. He has been addicted to hearing new music ever since. Here, he brings that music to you. 

This is not a music show that's restricted to a particular genre, or even a specific decade, although it has an emphasis on indie rock with electronic elements or electronic music that's not simply for the dance floor. It's a 90-minute mixtape-style show that is as musically open-minded as the musical landscape is wide. 
