Cristian Bugatti aka BUGO

(In Italian) In this segment our Italian correspondent Daniela Salvioni interviews Novarese indie rock musician Cristian Bugatti, aka BUGO, about his work, his process, his unusual relationship to the art and music worlds and the quirky irony that pervades all that he does. His showing at the exhibition space Motelsalieri ran through 31 March, 2010, and its corollary exhibit at the gallery VM21 arte contemporanea in Rome ran through 26 March, 2010. (47 minutes).
La nostra corrispondente estera Daniela Salvioni ha intervistato Cristian Bugatti, il cantautore indie novarese conosciuto come BUGO. Bugo e' sia uno dei personaggi emergenti nella scena di musica alternativa, ma anche un'artista visivo che ha appena inaugurato due mostre a Roma, allo spazio Motelsalieri (fino al 31 marzo, 2010) e alla galleria VM21 arte contemporanea (fino al 26 marzo, 2010). Nell' intervista Bugo parla del suo lavoro, delle sue procedure artistiche, del suo rapporto con l'arte e la musica e della particolare ironia presente in tutto quello che fa (47 minuti).

Our Correspondents: Italy
Curator and art critic Daniela Salvioni reports from assorted locales across Italy to bring us interviews with contemporary art's most revered as well as emerging and overlooked artists.
The co-editor, with Diana Burgess Fuller, of Art/Women/California, 1950-2000, this American-born resident and fluent Italian speaker, has curated exhibits for such artists as Guy Overfelt and Jennifer Locke, and has interviewed such artists as Jeff Koons and Allan McCollum. Our thanks to Star FK Radium, from Washington, D.C., for the theme music.