Bossa Made in Japan

For the new edition of Sonoridade, host and producer Béco Dranoff has invited Brazilian music connoisseur Mr. Willie Whopper from Tokyo, to select current Bossa Nova, MPB and Samba recordings made by acclaimed Japanese artists - all sung in Portuguese!!!
Brazilian music is truly beloved in Japan and the country has a long tradition of welcoming Brazilian artists on tour as well as promoting their local crop of artists that have dedicated their careers to the magic of Brazilian music.
Involved in the promotion of Brazilian sounds and culture in Japan for over 30 years, Willie Whopper is the owner ofBar Aparecida – a de facto Brazilian cultural center and ‘Butéco’ style bar featuring live music, food and a book/record shop in central Tokyo. He is also the president of the ‘Jornal Cordel’ publication and has written several books and catalogues on Brazilian music.
For this program, Willie has selected current recordings of classic songs by artists such as Noriko Yamamoto, Reiqo, Mikko Saiki and local Samba group group Por Amor A Natureza. The result a smooth and groovy trip to Japan on a Brazilian beach blanket! Enjoy the ride and a ‘Sakerinha’!
Selected by Willie Whopper for Sonoridade
01 Mikiko Saiki / A Saudade Mata a Gente (2012)
02 Takeo Tsutsui & Sergio Augusto / Barquinho Diferente (2016)
03 Naomi Ebihara / A Volta (2016)
04 Reiqo & Danilo Caymmi / Vatapa (2014)
05 Noriko Yamamoto / Trem das Cores (2016)
06 Yasuko Chiba & Claudio Lyra / Romaria (2015)
07 Tomoko Nozawa / Na Rua Na Chuva Na Fazenda (2016)
08 Reiko Hara / Senhorinha (2016)
09 Sanae Nishizawa & Takayuki Kato / Besteira (2016)
10 Sachiko Ito & Ronaldo do Bandrim / Cavaquinho, Porque Choras? (2015)
11 Brasil Shokai / As Marionetas (2015)
12 Mika Samba Jazz Trio / Tiao Braco Forte (2015)
13 Ata / Eu Te Amo (2015)
14 Miki Yamashita / O Amanha (2016)
15 Quer Swingar Vem Pra Ca / Por Amor A Natureza (2016)