
Shakey and Bang talk about music and lifelong interests with the two members of Boptronica: Harry Weinberg – sax and various analog and electronic wind instruments and electronics and C. Chris Peters – theremin, computer, and specially designed analog synthesizers. Boptronica’s sound is achieved by improvising live sax, electronic wind instruments and theremin over electronically generated rhythm patterns. During live performances, the two weave together intricate sonic textures using both familiar and new tonalities. Boptronica has performed at the Y2K7 International Looping Festival in Santa Cruz California, at the Warper Party in its many locations in NYC and at the unlikeliest of dives throughout the New York City and Buffalo, New York metropolitan areas.
C. Chris Peters is a composer, writer, teacher who has been creating music electronically for more than 30 years using keyboards, synthesizers and computers, and is best known for his theremin work in both musical and educational venues. He builds and designs original electronic musical instruments and is pioneering his Music Meets Science, a program that uses musical instruments as a means for allowing grade school students to explore mathematics and physics concepts. Chris is a master at musical improvisation and a proponent for using creativity and technology to find new ideas and better ways to achieve social understanding.
Harry Weinberg is a musician and labor lawyer who has been playing keyboards and wind instruments since the age of 6 and has most recently been exploring the intersection of organic and elecronic music using wind instruments, effects boxes and software. A native of Brooklyn, Harry inisists that law school was initially intended only as a means to provide the income necessary to support his record buying and musical habits, but has since learned to enjoy applying the same improvisatory techniques he brings to music to the practice of law.

Warper Party Radio Extravaganza
The Warper party, New York City's largest electronic music showcase, brings its posse of "Omnidigital DJs and Biomorphic Musicians" to the rest of the globe.