Anne Waldman, Laura Flanders and Carol Brightman

Leave it to the writers to make sense of this election! When producer Charles Ruas put together this powerhouse trio of writers to discuss the current political climate, he did not know how explosive their conversation would become. Listen as they make mincemeat of every reigning political notion while cracking the coded language we use to communicate hot-button ideas.
Carol Brightman is the author, most recently, of Total Insecurity: The Myth of American Omnipotence (Verso). Her previous books include Writing Dangerously: Mary McCarthy and Her World; Sweet Chaos: The Grateful Dead's American Adventure, and Drawings and Digressions (with Larry Rivers).
Laura Flanders is a well-known news commentator who appears nationwide on Air America every Saturday and Sunday night, as well as every weekday morning on the public-radio talk show, "Your Call," from KALW 91.7 fm in San Francisco (online at She is also the author of Bushwomen: Tales of a Cynical Species and the editor of The W Effect: Bush's War on Women (Feminist Press), a new anthology.
The renowned Anne Waldman, author of thirty books, edited with Lisa Birman the anthology, Civil Disobedience: Poetics and Politics in Action, a literate manual for making sense of these very confusing times. She is also the guiding spirit of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, which she founded with Allen Ginsberg in 1974 at Naropa University in Boulder, CO. She has also published In the Room of Never Grieve: New and Selected Poems, 1985 to 2003 and The Structure of the World Compared to a Bubble.

Conversations with Writers
Host Charles Ruas in conversation with contemporary writers and poets, continuing a stream of intelligent discussion dating back to his legendary days at WBAI Pacifica Radio in New York in the seventies. Ruas is the author of Conversations with American Writers, a Fulbright scholar, and a distinguished French translator. His writing has frequently appeared in both ARTNews and Art in America. His other Clocktower-produced program is Historic Audio From the Archives of Charles Ruas and is one of the most brilliant and extensive collections of historic audio in our archive.