An Oud, Atari, SP1200 & Imagination

For a special Gemini Edition of Turntables on the Hudson Radio, Nickodemus speaks with long-time friend and occasional production partner, Zeb aka The Spy from Cairo. Spanning 15 years of producing his own music as well as remixes and countless collaborations, the focus of this mix is on his solo albums Jesterized, An Eye on the World, The End of the Beginning, Stop the World I Want to Get Off, Secretly Famous and ends with his most recent spring 2012 album ARABADUB. For a man of many words in person, Zeb has very little vocals in his music as he allows the sounds to take you on a journey without language being a boundary or source of alienation. We lead off with an Oud Taksim, which is his instrument of choice in his later productions, followed by the first 12" that appeared in the NYC record bins back in 1995, "Magic Carpet." From ancient Ouds to Atari's, SP1200 samplers and eventually MacBook Pro & Logic, listen to Zeb's musical expressions made by any means necessary!

Turntables on the Hudson Radio
After sharing thousands of songs on dance floors around the World for the past 15 years, we felt it was time to give Turntables on the Hudson's Nickodemus his first steady radio show to share in the experience to a wider audience! Nickodemus and guests will regularly appear here to paint an audio collage of past events with live mixes, as well as future sounds from the worldwide eclectic dance music spectrum.