A Slice of Pie with Alanna Heiss

The two-part conversation, A Slice of Pie with Alanna Heiss, took place November 11, 2009, at apexart between Alanna Heiss, artist Nancy Hwang and Sandra Skurvida, who curated the exhibition AVANT-GUIDE TO NYC: Discovering Absence.
In Part 1, Heiss outlines her upbringing and family life, early adventures in Europe and what she found in the art scene on her arrival in New York.
(39 minutes)
Part 2 concerns her view on the future of P.S.1 and alternative spaces, her radio initiative at the Clocktower, art and politics.
(41 minutes)

The Clocktower Oral History Project
Artist Nancy Hwang revisits the 37 plus history of the Clocktower Gallery, interviewing Alanna Heiss, Martha Wilson, Vito Acconci, Joel Shapiro, Colette, Richard Nonas, and many others.