2MF with Kaitlin McDonough
This episode of 2MF features a conversation with artist Kaitlin McDonough following a meeting and workshop at Orgy Park gallery in Brooklyn, NY on June 25th, 2016. McDonough speaks with hosts Maria Stabio and Sonya Derman about what constitutes performative language and how its nuanced definition plays a role in her painting practice. The three also discuss McDonough’s decision to use unconventional presentation materials in the meeting, the writings of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, the periperformative, and the water experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto. The music in this episode is When in Rome's The Promise, chosen by the artist for its lyrics “I promise you I will..” related to the structure of performative language.
2MF (2 Many Feelings)
2MF (2 Many Feelings) is a series of monthly community meetings organized by artists Sonya Derman and Maria Stabio. Determined to encourage pro-emotive and ante-academic conversation among artists in New York City, 2MF meetings center around content significant to the facilitating artist.
2MF takes action in two parts: monthly meetings facilitated by local artists focusing on a topic of their interest, and a radio show/podcast hosted by Clocktower Radio in Redhook, Brooklyn. All meetings are open to the public, and Derman and Stabio encourage newcomers to join. Meeting details will always be posted on the 2MF website, www.2manyfeelings.com.
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Art conversations with working curators, artists, and musicians on topical issues.