Writers and Publishers

Poets, publishers, journalists, and writers of all sorts read, recite, bemuse, and bewitch with their works and life stories.
Shakespeare's Beehive
Tod Seelie, Bright Nights
Bookforum: Strange Bedfellows
Paperweight: Independent Publishing as Practice
David Remnick, Reporting: Writings from The New Yorker
Mary Karr
Cave Canem: Toi Derricotte with Naomi Long Madgett
New School University's Poetry Forum: Stephanie Brown
Mira Schor: The Art of Nonconformist Criticality
Mira Schor: The Art of Nonconformist Criticality
New School University Poets on Poetry: Phillis Levin
William Gibson
Cave Canem: Poets Derrick Walcott with Elizabeth Alexander
Non-Fiction Forum at New School University: Philip Gourevitch
Nick Flynn
Bernard-Henri Lévy
Art Spiegelman and Chipp Kidd