New River Dramatists

A program of stories, plays, and poetry co-produced with New River Dramatists.
New River Dramatists, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, is a not-for-profit project that distinguishes itself in that it is looking for writers to assist, not works to produce. Engaging writers on the strength of their individual talents instead of the potential merit of a single piece, payment of Honoraria to all participants, the absence of casting and the commitment to process first are among many factors that, taken all together, make New River Dramatists unique.
Edith Pearlman, Binocular Vision
M.Z. Ribalow, Redheaded Blues
M.Z. Ribalow
M.Z. Ribalow, The Time We Have Misspent
Richard Dresser, Augusta
Old Testament Poetry
Fiction: M.Z. Ribalow, Peanuts & Crackerjacks
Hilary Bettis, Alligator
Poetry: Four Poets
Wendy Hammond, Scenes from Suzy, Psychopath
Poetry: M.Z. Ribalow, Chasing Ghosts
Laren Stover, Floating World
Glen Hirshberg, "Help Me, Information"
Poetry: Michael Dickman, End of the West
Fiction: Alethea Black, I Knew You'd Be Lovely
Hilary Bettis, American Girls (Youth Lessons)
Fiction: Alan Lightman & Clay McLeod Chapman
M.Z. Ribalow, Harry’s Problem
Five Poets
Fiction: And Introducing… Lucia Coppola & Elyena de Goguel
Fiction: Sharon Pomerantz, Like Graceland
The Poetry of Allison Elrod
Theatre: Denis Johnson, Purvis
Fiction: Daleth Hall, Ophelia's Landlord
Fiction: Glen Hirshberg, "Hey Now, Melissa Flynn"
Fiction: M. Z. Ribalow & Alethea Black
Fiction: Daleth Hall, Theme from Titanic
Fiction: Deborah Eisenberg, Revenge of the Dinosaurs
Fiction: Glen Hirshberg, People Who Can't
Theatre: Clay McLeod Chapman, early release
M.Z. Ribalow, Artistic Director
Poetry: Matthew Wells, The Manhattan Sonnets
Fiction: Jess Walter and Clay McLeod Chapman
Poetry: Emerging Women