Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC)

LMCC brings art where it’s least expected and engages the ideas of the moment by exploring the links between culture and capital. LMCC curates and commissions art installations, produces and presents performances, and champions the arts as a vital component in creating and maintaining a vibrant community in Manhattan. LMCC grant programs award over $500,000 annually to enable over 200 arts projects across all disciplines throughout Manhattan. Lower Manhattan Cultural Council remains at the forefront of Downtown’s creative sector, linking artists with new audiences and sustaining Manhattan’s vast and vibrant arts community.
The Website for Lower Manhattan Cultural Council is lmcc.net. We gratefully acknowledge the generous partnership with LMCC for providing ARTonAIR.org with these programs for our listeners.
Access Restricted: Arts & The World Trade Center
Access Restricted: Art, Money, & Politics
Access Restricted: On the Waterfront
Access Restricted, The Sacred and the Secular
Access Restricted: The Lenape: Lower New York's First Inhabitants
Access Restricted: Greg Sholette & John Kuo Wei Tchen
Access Restricted: Giovanna Borasi, Canadian Center for Architecture
Access Restricted, Unbuilding the City
Access Restricted, Cultural Memory: Lower Manhattan Revealed
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Sam Miller