Living History

A diverse mix of contemporary activists, witnesses, and thinkers who work at the forefront of ideas turning from present to past.
Pro/Deuce: Arts and Community
Bookforum: Strange Bedfellows
Paperweight: Independent Publishing as Practice
New Musical Instruments
Gilbert & George, London Pictures
Irving Sandler and Marylyn Dintenfass, Parallel Park
Lyle Ashton Harris and Chuck Close, Excessive Exposure
Celeste Lab, Celeste Prize
Exit Art: Jeanette Ingberman & Papo Colo
Access Restricted: The Lenape: Lower New York's First Inhabitants
Lydia Venieri, Anastasia Aukeman & Michael Skafidas: Theogony
Deborah Lutz & David Salle, Pleasure Bound
Paul Chan and Philippe Vergne, Exhibition Machines
!Women Art Revolution
Access Restricted: Greg Sholette & John Kuo Wei Tchen
Zdenka Badovinac, Moderna Galerija Ljubljana
Access Restricted: Giovanna Borasi, Canadian Center for Architecture
Todd Eberle & Glenn O'Brien
Access Restricted, Unbuilding the City
Access Restricted, Cultural Memory: Lower Manhattan Revealed
Weng Choy Lee
Tom Finkelpearl, Museum Strategies
Dr. Timothy Leary, LSD
Laurent Grasso, Lecture
It's History Now: Performance Art and the Museum
The Autobiography and Sex Life of Andy Warhol
The Curator's Perspective: A Conversation with Bisi Silva
Secularism, Islam & Democracy: Muslims In Europe And The West
Yun-Fei Ji
Alanna Heiss on Malcolm McLaren
Headspace: Scent, Sensors and the Expanded Realm of Sensation
Malcolm McLaren & Cay Sophie Rabinowitz
Architect Talks: Avi Oster
Vincenzo Lombardo, Virtual Electronic Poem Project
A Conversation with Public Artists
Reckoning with Torture: Memos and Testimonies
Fred Forest, The Experimental Center of the Territory
The Triangle Fire Remembrance Coalition
Peter Saville
Formulas for Now: Rem Koolhaas
Paul Chan, The Spirit of Recession
Journey Into Jazz
The Conversation Series: Paul Chan and Enrique Walker
The Oil of the 21st Century: Perspectives on Intellectual Property
Yona Friedman: Simple, Protean, and Spontaneous
David Remnick, Reporting: Writings from The New Yorker
Arno Rafael Minkkinen
Mary Karr
Smart Choices: Building Your Collection
Janine Antoni
Carter Ratcliff: To Get or Not Get With the Program
Cave Canem: Toi Derricotte with Naomi Long Madgett
Thomas McEvilley
Chris Martin
Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping
Jonas Mekas: History of American Avant-Garde Film
New School University's Poetry Forum: Stephanie Brown
Mira Schor: The Art of Nonconformist Criticality
On Kitsch
Jim Jarmusch
Harry Belafonte and Walter Mosley
Neal Smith, Alice Cooper's Drummer
New School University Poets on Poetry: Phillis Levin
William Gibson
Cave Canem: Poets Derrick Walcott with Elizabeth Alexander
Porn Goes Mainstream
Frank Gehry
Becoming Justice Harry Blackmun: Linda Greenhouse
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Non-Fiction Forum at New School University: Philip Gourevitch
Nick Flynn
Lucy Orta: Late Lunch with Lucy
David Reed
Liquid Architecture
Bernard-Henri Lévy
Hear Our Voices
Robert Rosenblum
A Tribute to Leon Golub
Daniel Eisenberg
Love and The Law
Bob Mackie
The Art of 9/11 @ Apex Art: Arthur C. Danto
Cabinet Magazine's Chromophilia
Double Talk/Double Think: The Art and Politics of Language
The Ground Zero Sonic Memorial Soundwalk
MoMA DIY Radio: New Orleans Art Re-build
Art Spiegelman and Chipp Kidd
Gloria Steinem: Woman of Vision
Robert Wilson
Art Is
Art Is, Pt. 1
Art Is, Pt. 2
MacDowell Colony 100th Anniversary Reunion
The Clocktower Gallery Oral History Project
Malcolm McLaren: The Look of Music and the Sound of Fashion
Louise Bourgeois Sings