
The Warper Party Radio Extravaganza 2: Moldover

DJ Shakey and The Warper Party Radio Extravaganza presented a live event on Wednesday, March 23 at 6pm at the Clocktower Gallery, with a special appearance by mad inventor and musical supervillain, Moldover.

If technology and music are your life, brace yourself- Moldover is about to reformat your soul. Hailed by 700,000 YouTube viewers as "The Godfather of Controllerism", Moldover is a new breed of music icon. Combining the charisma of a rock star, the mad genius of a basement inventor, and the radical inclusiveness of the DIY internet generation, Moldover is "literally throwing away the rule book and reinventing the wheel" (Remix Magazine). Witness his balls-to-the-wall live show at a club, experience his multiplayer music installations at a festival, or pick up and play the "light theramin" packaging of his debut album and understand why the next paradigm for music is a one-man-brand called Moldover.