Ry Rocklen: Trophy Modern, National Work Table
Ry Rocklen uses found objects of American suburban life --futons, discarded trophies, broken box springs--to create works that explore themes of pathos and play. He interweaves architecture, performance, and objects into an intimate and psychological viewer experience.
At Clocktower's midtown office, Rocklen installs his site-specific installation, National Work Table from his Trophy Modern series. Begun in 2013, the Trophy Modern series series consists of large assemblages of mass-produced trophies, arranged to recreate iconic American objects and garnering aesthetic appeal in their combination of clean, modernist lines with cheap, garish components. The name of the series acknowledges the work of modernist designers such as Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier, who have inspired Rocklen.
Contrasting the organization’s history as an alternative art space with the surreal setting of a modern, 22nd floor corporate office, Rocklen’s installation will serve as a functioning work space, with the oversized desk playing on both the elegance and excess of classic Americana.