
Open House Open Studios 13 December 2011

The Clocktower Gallery hosts an Open House and Exhibition of projects by artists who were working in the production studios.

Artists Tony Martin and Margot Farrington (interactive video projections, words, and sound), Julie Covello aka DJ Shakey (of the Warper Party audio experiments), David Linton (immersive audio driven optics), and Hisao Ihara (multi-screen video animations for an opera by Mary Griffin and Leroy Jenkins) show their installations, performances, and development efforts at the Clocktower.

The Martin/Farrington, Linton, and Ihara/Griffin/Jenkins projects are made possible by support from the mediaThe Foundation and DJ Shakey's activities are supported by The Jerome Foundation. Our thanks to these extraordinary organizations for making this work possible.

Search our site for details on each artists' individual projects, here's a quick thumbnail of each:

Tony Martin and Margot Farrington have created an interactive room filled with video projections, reflections, and illusions (if it isn't magic it's just merchandise) and collaborated on a short performance with Farrington's texts and sounds on Dec. 13.

DJ Shakey equips her room with all the devices of her dreams and inviting specialists, experts, engineers, artists, and inventors to visit and share. Her project is called Dj Shakey's Audio Controller Adventure.

David Linton's Bicameral Research Sound & Projection System manifests at the Clocktower Gallery as a sound and video installation entitled Cortical Degausser Optics and illusion, body piercing sound (or is it audio massage?), and deep sensory penetration.

Hisao Ihara made a remarkable multi-screen projection animation for an opera, Coincidents, written by Mary Griffin with the great violinist Leroy Jenkins who passed away during their collaboration.

Bicameral Research Sound & Projection System

With Bicameral Research Sound & Projection System, Linton makes vibrational, wave-induced perceptual energy states manifest by deploying interconnected measures of electric sound & pulsing light in live action with hand manipulated objects in a physical (live camera) space. He employs an integrated, recursive audio & video feedback system of his own perversely simple design, modulated by freehand intervention to deliver vigorous eye, ear, and sometimes body shaking real time audio.