
Confessions of The ArtWorld™

Second Sundays at Pioneer Works is on winter hiatus, but one monkey don’t stop no show! #trashDAY continues for a special Fifth Friday Edition with a funny laundering and racheteering episode – Confessions of The ArtWorld™. We all know the dismal statistics about “diversity”, as well as the overblown auctions that illicit an extreme case of Hateration Disorder (symptoms include foot-in-mouth, don’t-do-nothing and talk-bad-about). Fortunately, Doe Derek + k(Rob) have got the cure --- confession. We’re letting it all hang out, spilling every drop of the tea (even though that’s none of our business) and getting under the skin of the most venerable practitioners and institutions of our beloved ArtWorld™.

Be a part of the live studio audience with complimentary #trashDAY cocktails* and hit up our anonymous confessional hotline:

(828) 3RA-CHET
‘cause when that hotline bling, that can only mean one thing.

*while supplies last.