Anaïs Nin and Marguerite Young (c. 1975)

In this introductory segment to our newly restored radio series on the life and work of author Marguerite Young, we hear the great Anaïs Nin with Charles Ruas in the WBAI studios in 1976. Nin poetically describes the enigmatic, iconoclastic writer and then, with Ruas and Joan Schwartz, analyzes one of Young's masterworks, the non-fiction utopian study, Angel In the Forest.
In the mid-1970s, Charles Ruas produced a series of WBAI radio programs focused on literature and radio performance, called The Reading Experiment. As part of this series, Angel In the Forest and Miss MacIntosh, My Darling were read over a year-long period by Marguerite Young’s contemporaries from the New York City literature, music, and theater communities. All readings are underscored with soundscapes and music by artist Rob Wynne.
This program has been restored by The Clocktower Radio; with the assistance of Charles Ruas; and by agreement with The Yale Beinecke Library, home to the Marguerite Young Papers. Special thanks to Dr. Contance Eichenlaub for her passion and generosity.
Miss Macintosh, My Darling.

Historic Audio from the Archives of Charles Ruas
An unparalleled collection of recovered and restored programs from the seventies produced by Charles Ruas, and featuring Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Anaïs Nin, William Boroughs, Buckminster Fuller, Sylvia Plath, Pablo Neruda, and Jorge Luis Borges, among numerous others.